uboot nfs boot

HOWTO: Booting from NFS using U-Boot By Bill » Wednesday, June 16 2010, 22:09 Booting from and SD card and from NAND can really wear them out quickly especially if you're doing a lot of reading and writing while debugging a filesystem. So I offer this

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  • Shell$ /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart 8. 設定U-BOOT 設定網路相關參數 U-boot=> set ipaddr 1...
    工作記錄: Boot from NFS and TFTP
  • INCA-IP # printenv bootcmd=bootp; setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs rw ... U-Boot then automat...
    7.4. Networked Operation with Root Filesystem over NFS - Denx
  • For this we will use the tftp command of U-Boot to transfer a Linux kernel and boot it wit...
    7.5. Networked Operation with Root Filesystem over NFS - Denx
  • U-Boot In AM335x the ROM code serves as the bootstrap loader, sometimes referred to as the...
    AM335x U-Boot User's Guide - Texas Instruments Wiki
  • Boot Linux using NFS, Download the jffs2 image, erase the NAND partition and write the jff...
    Booting Linux kernel using U-Boot - Texas Instruments Wiki
  • 跳到 Configuring U-Boot - U-Boot> setenv bootargs console=${console} root=/dev/nfs rootf...
    Booting with an NFS Root Filesystem - EMAC Wiki - EMAC Inc.
  • Add the following line to configure the NFS server to export the rootfs ... 1) U-boot shou...
    How to setup boot from network (NFS)? - Variscite Forums
  • HOWTO: Booting from NFS using U-Boot By Bill » Wednesday, June 16 2010, 22:09 Booting from...
    HOWTO: Booting from NFS using U-Boot - Bill's Blog
  • 1. Abstract This is the DENX U-Boot and Linux Guide to Embedded PowerPC, ARM and MIPS Syst...
    Manual < DULG < DENX - WebHome < News < DENX
  • 2010年5月3日 - 接下來就是開始設定uboot ... bootargs - Boot arguments when booting an RTOS image ... 接...
    Matttt的空間: Uboot設定
  • This Guide describes how to set up the Parallella U-Boot to network boot using TFTP. Also,...
    TFTP Boot and NFS Root Filesystems - eLinux.org
  • U-Boot is the bootloader commonly used on our allwinner SoCs. Amongst others, it provides ...
    U-Boot - linux-sunxi.org
  • U-Boot commands 4.1 Overview U-Boot has a set of built-in commands for booting the system,...
    U-Boot Reference Manual - Digi International
  • u-boot下配置掛載NFS根文件系統. 2014/09/01 來源:CSDN博客. 一、在linux系統主機下安裝NFS伺服器. 在ubuntu10.04下安裝命令為:. sud...
    u-boot下配置掛載NFS根文件系統- 壹讀
  • U-boot的環境變量值得注意的有兩個: bootcmd 和bootargs 。 u bootcmd 前面有說過bootcmd是自動啟動時默認執行的一些命令,因此你可以在當前環境中...
    u-boot環境變量的設置與使用 | 易春木
  • uboot nfs启动,zh的网易博客,网易博客, 网易 新闻 LOFTER 邮箱 相册 阅读 图书 有道 摄影 企业邮箱 优惠券 云笔记 闪电邮 邮箱大师 印像派 考拉海购 更多...
    uboot nfs启动 - zh的日志 - 网易博客
  • Shell$ /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart 8. 設定U-BOOT 設定網路相關參數 U-boot=> set ipaddr 1...
    工作記錄: Boot from NFS and TFTP
  • INCA-IP # printenv bootcmd=bootp; setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs rw ... U-Boot then automat...
    7.4. Networked Operation with Root Filesystem over NFS - Denx